because my bestest best friend was here...
for 5 1/2 days!!!
it was nice to be able to catch up and go all crazy together...just like old times!!!
am missing her already )':
or you can look at it at the bottom of this page (:
now it's back to reality...crazy crazy workloads.
2 more months and I'm done with year 1!!!!
I'm missing you too!!!! Time flew so quickly! :(
yealah...the time 'hong' so fast like the 'chuey'!! huhuhu >.<
See loh... "hong" jin niah duah!
now hong chui hong actually sounds right to me. hahaha >.<
lai gua lang practice kong hokkien uey. chin ku bo kong liao.
mia chai wa uu ward allocation assessment!!! chin nia scared!!
haha fail lah...wanna practice also still got all the eng words haha =p
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